Wedding at Drumbeg Park

About the Ceremony

Graeme is the son of a close friend of mine and I remember the day he was born. What a thrill and a true pleasure to be able to create a wedding that captured the story of love and adventure for Graeme and his amazing bride Sophie. I woke up the day after the wedding wishing we could do the ceremony all over again. So much love on a sunny day in August.

A quote from the ceremony…

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“Sophie and Graeme. On one side of you is your Sea of Love, the waters of the Salish Sea. You also have a Sea of Love who has traveled from all around the world to witness your vows of marriage and to celebrate the decision that your lives belong together. Choosing this place for a wedding ceremony recognizes the appreciation you both have for the Litherland family vision of island living, growing families and appreciating nature. Sophie chose this exact rock that she is standing on right now, I think from now on we can call it The Wedding Rock."

The venue: Drumbeg Park


One of three provincial parks on Gabriola Island, Drumbeg is a favourite spot for diving, hiking, nature viewing and picnicking. Overlooking scenic Gabriola Passage on the east end of the Island, Drumbeg offers excellent views of the Strait of Georgia and the Coast Mountains on the Mainland. The park contains a kilometre long sand and pebble beach with striking sandstone and conglomerate rock formations, which can be seen at low tide. Visit BC Parks for more info.

Teresa ByerDrumbeg Park